====== .forward ======
The file //$HOME/.forward// is used by the MDA of a system to allow
user-defined treatment of incoming email like e.g. forwarding to another
address or handling them over to procmail.
All contained paths have to be given in absolute form.
===== Forwarding Email =====
To have a simple forwarding, e.g. for certain shell accounts which imply an
email address, simply put the destination address into the //.forward// as
single entry on a single line:
===== Piping To Another Process =====
To make incoming mail being handled over to another program as it's standard
input stream, use a leading pipe-symbol (''|'') like so:
"| /usr/bin/procmail"
===== Further Information =====
The complete //.forward// syntax is described in ''forward(5)''. Sadly this
file doesn't exist on many systems, so [[http://nwl.cc/~n0-1/forward.5.html|here]] is a local copy of it.