====== Welcome to my Linux Wiki ======
This host was running DokuWiki on top of LigHTTPd, future did proof this concept is lousy. The problem is not DokuWiki itself, but LigHTTPd not supporting [[http://subversion.tigris.org|Subversion]] via WebDAV. So I did play around with ligHTTPd as proxy for Apache running on the same host listening to ''localhost'' only, but somehow there where problems with the [[encryption:SSL]] implementation of LigHTTPd causing any ''svn'' operation to lag or even abort (happened while the ''SVN COPY'' command, reproduceable). So I reconfigured Apache to be the one and only. At least for now.
Apache on my server is now a thing of the past. I reverted again to LigHTTPd as it's the far better suited webserver for my tasks. Yet, the ''svn'' problem is still not gone, but I simply workarounded it using ''svn+ssh'' only from now on. This has implications at delegating access rights, but on the other hand it's way better performing than ''svn'' via ''https''.
===== TODO List =====
There are some things to be done:
* finish running the de->en converter over all pages
* hack some script utilizing [[http://fuse.sourceforge.net/sshfs.html|sshfs]] for easily remotely editing articles using the famous [[http://www.vim.org/|vim]]
===== Whetting your Appetite =====
* Say 'Hello' to the world.
int main(void) {
puts("Hello World!");
return 0;
very nice feature, //syn on// for wiki :)