====== Cross Compiling With ''distcc'' ====== ===== Troubleshooting ===== The original guide seems not to work anymore. The problem is that the requested cross compiler is not found by distccd. The following workaround solves this issue: in ///etc/init.d/distccd// the ''PATH'' environment variable is altered before starting the daemon. This is the full command: TMPDIR="${TMPDIR}" \ PATH="$(gcc-config --get-bin-path):${PATH}" \ /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --startas ${DISTCCD_EXEC} \ --pidfile ${DISTCCD_PIDFILE} -- \ --pid-file ${DISTCCD_PIDFILE} -N ${DISTCCD_NICE} --user distcc \ ${DISTCCD_OPTS} the problem here is that ''gcc-config --get-bin-path'' only returns the search path for the currently active profile, not all available profiles (the cross compiler is a profile on it's own). So for every installed cross compiler ''gcc-config'' has to be called again given the correct profile number: TMPDIR="${TMPDIR}" \ PATH="$(gcc-config --get-bin-path):$(gcc-config --get-bin-path 1):${PATH}" \ /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --startas ${DISTCCD_EXEC} \ --pidfile ${DISTCCD_PIDFILE} -- \ --pid-file ${DISTCCD_PIDFILE} -N ${DISTCCD_NICE} --user distcc \ ${DISTCCD_OPTS} ===== Links ===== [[http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/cross-compiling-distcc.xml|The original Gentoo guide]]