====== Monitoring Lighttpd ====== When lighty has been compiled with support for rrdtool, it can generate nice graphs about it's usage (traffic, requests). The following shows how to enable this feature. ===== Lighttpd Config ===== The module ''mod_rrdtool'' has to be loaded. Then the following configuration settings need to be set: rrdtool.binary = "/usr/bin/rrdtool" rrdtool.db-name = "/var/run/lighttpd/lighttpd.rrd" ===== Generating The Graphs ===== To generate graphs from the RRD database, a custom shell script has to be created: #!/bin/sh RRDTOOL=/usr/bin/rrdtool OUTDIR=/var/www/nwl.cc/htdocs-secure/lighttpd_graph/ INFILE=/var/run/lighttpd/lighttpd.rrd OUTPRE=lighttpd-traffic WIDTH=600 HEIGHT=350 DISP="-v bytes --title TrafficWebserver \ DEF:binraw=$INFILE:InOctets:AVERAGE \ DEF:binmaxraw=$INFILE:InOctets:MAX \ DEF:binminraw=$INFILE:InOctets:MIN \ DEF:bout=$INFILE:OutOctets:AVERAGE \ DEF:boutmax=$INFILE:OutOctets:MAX \ DEF:boutmin=$INFILE:OutOctets:MIN \ CDEF:bin=binraw,-1,* \ CDEF:binmax=binmaxraw,-1,* \ CDEF:binmin=binminraw,-1,* \ CDEF:binminmax=binmaxraw,binminraw,- \ CDEF:boutminmax=boutmax,boutmin,- \ AREA:binmin#ffffff: \ STACK:binmax#f00000: \ LINE1:binmin#a0a0a0: \ LINE1:binmax#a0a0a0: \ LINE2:bin#efb71d:incoming \ GPRINT:bin:MIN:%.2lf \ GPRINT:bin:AVERAGE:%.2lf \ GPRINT:bin:MAX:%.2lf \ AREA:boutmin#ffffff: \ STACK:boutminmax#00f000: \ LINE1:boutmin#a0a0a0: \ LINE1:boutmax#a0a0a0: \ LINE2:bout#a0a735:outgoing \ GPRINT:bout:MIN:%.2lf \ GPRINT:bout:AVERAGE:%.2lf \ GPRINT:bout:MAX:%.2lf \ " $RRDTOOL graph $OUTDIR/$OUTPRE-hour.png -a PNG --start -14400 $DISP -w $WIDTH -h $HEIGHT $RRDTOOL graph $OUTDIR/$OUTPRE-day.png -a PNG --start -86400 $DISP -w $WIDTH -h $HEIGHT $RRDTOOL graph $OUTDIR/$OUTPRE-month.png -a PNG --start -2592000 $DISP -w $WIDTH -h $HEIGHT OUTPRE=lighttpd-requests DISP="-v req --title RequestsperSecond -u 1 \ DEF:req=$INFILE:Requests:AVERAGE \ DEF:reqmax=$INFILE:Requests:MAX \ DEF:reqmin=$INFILE:Requests:MIN \ CDEF:reqminmax=reqmax,reqmin,- \ AREA:reqmin#ffffff: \ STACK:reqminmax#00f000: \ LINE1:reqmin#a0a0a0: \ LINE1:reqmax#a0a0a0: \ LINE2:req#00a735:requests" $RRDTOOL graph $OUTDIR/$OUTPRE-hour.png -a PNG --start -14400 $DISP -w $WIDTH -h $HEIGHT $RRDTOOL graph $OUTDIR/$OUTPRE-day.png -a PNG --start -86400 $DISP -w $WIDTH -h $HEIGHT $RRDTOOL graph $OUTDIR/$OUTPRE-month.png -a PNG --start -2592000 $DISP -w $WIDTH -h $HEIGHT To have the graphs being updated regularly, add a line to ///etc/crontab//: 0,20,40 * * * * nice -n 10 /opt/lighttpd_rrdtool/gen_graphs.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 which assumes that the script given above has been saved as ///opt/lighttpd_rrdtool/gen_graphs.sh// and made executable. ===== The HTML Index File ===== A sample //index.html// could look like this: Lighttpd traffic & requests

Lighttpd Traffic


Lighttpd Requests
