The z-shell is probably one of the best korn-shell based alternatives to bash. ====== Aliases ====== Zsh knows three different types of aliases: ===== Aliases for Commands ===== This is the regular alias, acting just like the one of bash: alias less=/usr/share/vim/vim64/macros/ call without parameters to display defined aliases: alias ==== Global Aliases ==== Global aliases act just like the ones described before, but with one exception: they don't have to be given at the beginning of the line. So e.g.: alias -g G='|grep' can be used like this: dmesg G eth and will be expanded to the following: dmesg |grep eth ==== Suffix Aliases ==== This is quite crazy stuff: when entering just an existing filename as "command", zsh can expand it as an alias by checking for the suffix of the filename. A simple example says more than a thousand words, so here it is: alias -s pdf=xpdf basically makes all files ending with "pdf" being opened using ''xpdf''. Reminds me of the "double-click everything" behaviour of a certain operating system, but is better at the same time. So e.g. specifying the following on the commandline: *.pdf will expand to: xpdf *.pdf this is because alias expansion is being applied **before** globbing. ====== Escape Sequences and Key Combinations ====== Create them using the builtin ''bindkey'': bindkey ^A "beginning-of-line" to view all defined bindkeys, just call without arguments just like with ''alias'': bindkey ''zsh'' assists you in finding the right name for a given key combination through ''^V'': ^V ====== History Expansion ====== Although the syntax is quite identical to the one bash uses, the expansion may not be specified at the beginning of the line. ^ Command ^ Description ^ | '''Display''' || | history | show the full history | | '''Expansion''' || | !! | expands to the last entered command | | !1 | expands to the first entered command | | !-2 | expands to the command entered right before the last one | | !!:1 | expands to the second word of the last command | | '''Substitution''' || | !!:s^bla^blub | expands to the last command with "bla" being substituted by "blub" | | ^bla^blub | same as above, but a lot shorter | ====== Colour Escape Sequences ====== I created a file defining variables for the relevant colours: fg_green=$'%{\e[0;32m%}' fg_blue=$'%{\e[0;34m%}' fg_cyan=$'%{\e[0;36m%}' fg_red=$'%{\e[0;31m%}' fg_brown=$'%{\e[0;33m%}' fg_purple=$'%{\e[0;35m%}' fg_light_gray=$'%{\e[0;37m%}' fg_dark_gray=$'%{\e[1;30m%}' fg_light_blue=$'%{\e[1;34m%}' fg_light_green=$'%{\e[1;32m%}' fg_light_cyan=$'%{\e[1;36m%}' fg_light_red=$'%{\e[1;31m%}' fg_light_purple=$'%{\e[1;35m%}' fg_no_colour=$'%{\e[0m%}' fg_white=$'%{\e[1;37m%}' fg_black=$'%{\e[0;30m%}' and use the builtin ''source'' to include the file just before defining the prompt (or using colour escapes in general). ====== Killer Features ====== First things first. ;-) ===== Prompt ===== There is builtin support for right-aligned prompts in ''zsh''. So one can have a prompt consisting of a left and a right part: PROMPT="${fg_light_blue}%d %# ${fg_no_colour}" RPROMPT=" ${fg_light_green}%n@%M${fg_no_colour}" Which will look like this:
[[Bild:Zsh.jpg]] ===== String Handling ===== Addressing inside strings is just like with ''Python'': a="ich hab nix gemacht.";a[1]='I';a[-1]='. (Bart Simpson)' ===== Hashes ===== Take the following example: typeset -A ass_array; ass_array=(one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4) Then print $ass_array[one] returns the first element's value, 1. print ${(k)ass_array} returns the keys, print ${(v)ass_array} the values. ===== zcompile ===== The builtin ''zcompile'' can be used to precompile ''zsh'' source files for faster loading. ^ Option ^ Description ^ | -R | create a "static" binary, being loaded for each process (recommended for small files) | | -M | create a "shared" binary, being mapped into memory and shared among different processes | ==== Precompiling All Zsh Functions ==== cd /usr/share/zsh//funtions for i in **/*(.) ; do zcompile $i done cd /usr/share/zsh/site/functions for i in *; do zcompile $i done ====== Links ====== * * * * * *