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MusicPlayer Daemon

[ mpd] is the best music player software I know of!

Browser Integration

The problem is having a script extracting the URLs contained in pls or m3u playlists and adding them to mpd's playlist.

The following two scripts just do what is necessary:

PLS Format

#!/bin/env sh
mpc clear
grep '^File[0-9]*' $1 | sed -e 's/^File[0-9]*=//' | mpc add
mpc play

M3U Format

#!/bin/env sh
mpc clear
cat $1 | mpc add
mpc play

Combined Script For Both Formats

#!/bin/env sh
mpc clear

if [[ "$1" = *.pls ]]; then
	awk -v 'FS==' '/^File[0-9]*/ {print $2}' "$1"
elif [[ "$1" = *.m3u ]]; then
	cat "$1"
fi | mpc add

mpc play