Table of Contents

NSTX - IP Over DNS Tunneling

Using nstx, you can (mis-)use the mostly free DNS resolution of many commercial Hotspots to gather internet for free.

NSTXD Configuration

To run a NSTX service, you need:

Create A Simple Subdomain

Create a dedicated subdomain of your domain using a Glue-Record, e.g.:

@           IN  NS      ns
ns          IN  A

where is the IP nstxd is listening on.

Install and Configure NSTXD

Make sure the kernel of the system you want to run nstxd at provides tun/tap support.

After installing nstx, the daemon has to be run like so:

nstxd -i <IP> <DOMAIN>

where <IP> in this case is and <DOMAIN> is

The running daemon creates a device named tun0 which has to be configured appropriately. Further steps of configuration may have to be done to allow routing between tunnel and internet.

NSTXCD Configuration

The NSTX Client Daemon is the client-side counterpart to nstxd and therefore has to be run on the Hotspot client.

Consider the situation where you have local network access, including DNS. Having a kernel with support for the tun/tap device, all you need to do is run nstxcd with the correct options:

nstxcd <DOMAIN> <IP>

where <DOMAIN> in this case is and <IP> the IP of the local nameserver.

The created tun0 device has to be configured accordingly. For full internet access, a default route via the tunnel endpoints IP has to be used.


Further Information

NSTX Howto