Table of Contents


GnuPlot is the ultimate plotting tool and very powerful which has the downside of being quite hard to use especially for new users. Hopefully this article clears things up a bit (for me at least).


Probably the most common task performed when using a plotting tool is … plotting! Here are a few examples:

Plotting a function:

gnuplot> plot f(x) = x**2, f(x)

The same as above, but giving the range to plot:

gnuplot> plot [-5:5] f(x) = x**2, f(x)

Plotting two functions in the same plot:

gnuplot> plot f(x) = x**2, g(x) = x**3, f(x), g(x)

Data Files

First, generate some data:

$ ping | sed -un 's/.*time=\(.*\) ms/\1/p' >/tmp/data

The output looks like this:


Now plot it:

gnuplot> plot '/tmp/data' with lines

Output To File

File output is configured by setting a different terminal than the default x11 for the file type to generate and setting the output variable for the filename:

gnuplot> set terminal png size 800,600
gnuplot> set output '/tmp/data.png'

Afterwards the output of any plot command will be written to /tmp/data.png in png format.

Creating PDFs works equvalently, but the size parameter is interpreted differently (inches instead of pixels):

gnuplot> set terminal pdf size 8,6
gnuplot> set output '/tmp/data.pdf'

But it gets even better, latex output:

gnuplot> set terminal latex size 8,6
gnuplot> set output '/tmp/data.tex'

There are various output formats available, one may even chose between different latex packages to use. For reference, see the output of set terminal without further parameters.