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DokuWiki Configuration

This page is dedicated to my efforts in configuring DokuWiki for my needs.

Layout Customization

The starting point to customizing DokuWiki's layout is the lib/tpl directory. The subdirectories inside are the actual templates used to define how DokuWiki will look like. I simply copied the default to a custom name, then changed the config so it will be used.

In conf/dokuwiki.php:

$conf['template']    = 'mytpl';

A simple task of customizing is changing the displayed buttons on top or bottom of every page. Therefore the file main.php in the newly created template has to be altered. The divs to change are those of class bar-left or bar-right, the buttons are inserted using PHP functions. This is an example of the top left bar extended by an index button:

<div class="bar-left" id="bar__topleft">
	<?php tpl_button('edit')?>
	<?php tpl_button('history')?>
	<?php tpl_button('index')?>
config/dokuwiki.txt · Last modified: 2008/04/05 08:15 by