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The file $HOME/.forward is used by the MDA of a system to allow user-defined treatment of incoming email like e.g. forwarding to another address or handling them over to procmail.

All contained paths have to be given in absolute form.

Forwarding Email

To have a simple forwarding, e.g. for certain shell accounts which imply an email address, simply put the destination address into the .forward as single entry on a single line:

Piping To Another Process

To make incoming mail being handled over to another program as it's standard input stream, use a leading pipe-symbol (|) like so:

"| /usr/bin/procmail"

Further Information

The complete .forward syntax is described in forward(5). Sadly this file doesn't exist on many systems, so here is a local copy of it.

email/forward.txt · Last modified: 2009/01/12 14:10 by