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Grub is a bootloader for X86 machines.

Booting Floppy Images

The syslinux package contains a loader for floppy images that can be booted using grub. When both packages are installed, the procedure is quite straight forward:

  • optionally create a subdirectory in grub's root to contain the specific stuff
  • copy the memdisk binary and the desired floppy image to the above directory
  • add an entry to grub's config like so:
title Boot some floppy image
kernel /dos/memdisk
initrd /dos/BOOT.IMG

Defaulting to previous Selection

Edit /etc/default/grub, add:


Then recreate grub config:

grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

This should do the trick, works at least with a recent Fedora 39.


system/boot/grub.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/06 13:58 by phil